Thursday, November 15, 2007

where the big jet engines roar

when i figure out how to get photos off my camera while i am away and without the cable, i will put up the pictures of planes from nearby and below. fairly good flights, now i am quite tired after 36 hours in transit. but here i am in london. british museum tomorrow, i'll be alert for signs of stendhalismo (google it)

my favourite short walk from LAX:

it is a brisk 20 - 25 minutes each way from LAX 2 (the Air NZ terminal) to the Westchester shops. Go out of the terminal and turn left. Walk past terminal 1, keep going all the way past the carpak. When you get to the big multi-lane road, turn left again and walk on towards and then past the medical clinic, under the highway and under all the planes (!! this is the best part, and worth the walk all by itself. it's probably the closest i'll ever get to a spaceport. did I mention that I love it?) If you get tired of the planes, keep going past the parking spot on your left (this is a good place to grab a free shuttle back) and through the lights. there are a bunch of shops including a starbucks, drugstore and grocery store on the left, and a little further on on the right is a great little cal-mex hole in the wall restaurant. have a margarita for me.

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