Jubilee Close
- 2 T honey - I used this Colorado honey, with a moderately strong flavour and a floral aroma
- 4 oz Dà Mhìle* Farmhouse gin
- 1 T sour cherry noyau
- 2 T moonshine from the cherries
- Icecubes
- 6 moonshine cherries

To garnish: twist of lime, or lemon verbena sprigs
Warm the honey; stir in the noyau, moonshine, and gin. Put a few ice cubes into cocktail glasses. Strain into glasses. Garnish with cherries and lime twist.
Sour cherry noyau
Fresh sour cherries, unpittedVodka to cover
Pack sour cherries into a glass jar and cover with vodka. Keep as thoroughly airtight as possible. Use sparingly after 6 months, when the almond flavour of the cherry pits will have come out into the liquid.
*Dà Mhìle also make a stunning seaweed gin. I have an idea for a strange salty oystery limey cocktail. Just waiting until oysters are back in season!
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